Align teams and cascade goals

See how you can align and cascade goals in Tability


If you're using OKRs, you likely have a structure with multiple layers of goals. Ex:

📁 Company OKRs

|- 📁 Department OKRs

|- 📁 Team A OKRs

|- 📁 Team B OKRs

Tability will make it easy to replicate this approach. You will have simple tools to visualise alignment with the Strategy Map, and you will be able to see direct relationships between outcomes/key results in the Cascading Map.

Video introduction

Watch the video below to understand how to align and cascade goals and OKRs in Tability.

Aligning plans with the Strategy Map

Organising company, department, and team goals/OKRs in a tree structure will allow Tability to display a complete Strategy Map that shows you every plan in progress in a single view.

You'll be able to:

  • Compare the focus of your teams to make sure they are aligned

  • See progress and confidence data across your org

  • Quickly identify the goals and teams that are at risks

  • Click on any outcome/key result to get more details

Using the Strategy Map: it's automated!

The Strategy Map view is fully automated. Plans will automatically appear if they are in progress or coming up, and the relationships between plans will follow the structure of your workspace.

How to create your own Strategy Map:

  1. Create a top-level plan for your company OKRs

  2. From there, create sub-plans, for the different departments and teams

  3. Optional: click on the plan icon to change it with something recognisable

At that stage your Plans section should look like this 👇

Now you can simply click on the Strategy Map link in your sidebar to see all your plans in a map view.

This view makes it easy to compare the general direction of your teams and see at a glance when things are getting off-track.

The Strategy Map only displays plans that are in progress or that are starting at a later date. It will automatically be updated when a new cycle starts!

Cascade goals with the Cascading Map

You can go one step further and create direct relationships between your outcomes/key results. Once connected, you can see a cascading view of your goals by going to a plan and accessing the Cascading Map view for that plan.

The Cascading Map view will show you all the outcomes/KRs in that particular plan, as well as their dependencies.

Here's how you can re-create a similar view in your workspace.

  1. Organise your goals/OKRs in layers using plans and sub-plans (see previous section)

  2. Click on a specific outcome/key result

  3. In the right side of the KR panel, click on Add relationship

  4. Use the form to add a parent or a dependency

Repeat that operation with all the outcomes/key results that need to be connected (each team can do this quickly for the KRs they own).

Once you're done, go to the top-level plan, and click on the Map tab to load the Cascading Map.

That's it! The cascading map will load 2 levels of outcomes/key results by default, but you can further expand any item that has dependencies.

Some notes about the plan Cascading Map:

  • The cascade will always start with the current plan. For example, displaying the cascading map of a sub-plan will not load the plan parent.

  • Start with a top-level plan to visualise cascading dependencies through your org.

Last updated