Bulk importing plans

See how you can bulk import data using a spreadsheet or a doc


Tability has a dedicated plan editor to edit and manage your goals, but you can also import multiple plans at once using a .xslx file or a .docx file.

Each importer has a specific use case.

Bulk importing plans with their data (via spreadsheet)

About this option

The spreadsheet importer will allow you to import multiple plans with all their data (objectives, outcomes/KRs, initiatives, owners...) in a workspace.

Use this option if you want to collaborate on your plans in Google Docs, and then import them to Tability.

How to bulk import plans

  1. Copy the Google Spreadsheet template, and update the data to match your goals (see Spreadsheet format)

  2. Export your spreadsheet to the .xlsx format

  3. Go to your Tability workspace

  4. Make sure that all the owner emails have a corresponding account in Tability (otherwise they won't be attached to the goals)

  5. Go to the Plans listing of your workspace

  6. Click on Import plans

  7. Use your .xlsx file in the option 1 and click Import

Tability will create one plan per sheet, and will attach the corresponding owners (if they're already added to your workspace).

Spreadsheet format

You can copy the Google Spreadsheet linked below to get started 👇

Spreadsheet template

General structure

  • Each sheet of the spreadsheet corresponds to a different plan

  • The first 2 lines of the spreadsheet contain the plan metadata

  • The plan content (objectives and KRs/outcomes) starts at line 4

Plans and sub-plans

The plan data must include:

  • Plan name in cell A2

  • Plan start date and finish date in cell C2 and D2

You can indicate a parent plan by adding the name of the parent plan in cell B2.

  • The parent plan sheet must be listed before the sub-plan sheet

  • The parent plan name must be written exactly the same way as it is written in the parent plan sheet (in cell A2 of the parent plan).

Plan content

You can add objectives, KRs/outcomes, and initiatives to your spreadsheet.

If you want to attach an owner to an outcome/KR, they must be added to the workspace prior to the import.

KR owners will only be attached if the user already exists in the workspace.

Bulk creating empty plans (via doc)

About this option

The doc importer will allow you to create a workspace structure in 1 click, using a simple .docx file.

Use this option if you want to organise the structure of your workspace for your team, and then let your team add their goals in Tability.

How to bulk create plans

  1. Copy the Google Doc template, and update the data to match your plans (see Spreadsheet format)

  2. Export your doc to the .docx format

  3. Go to your Tability workspace

  4. Go to the Plans listing of your workspace

  5. Click on Import plans

  6. Use your .docx file in the option 2 and click Import

Tability will create one plan per list item, and will try to automatically detect the timeline of your plan based on the title.

Doc format

You can copy the Google Doc linked below to get started 👇

Doc template

General structure

  • Use a bullet point per plan – it will become the plan title

  • Tability can auto-detect timelines if they're included in the title (ex: "2024 Q2", "2024 H1")

  • Indent the bullet points to create sub-plans

Auto-detection of timeline

Tability will parse each line to extract the timeline if it exists. It will then create a plan that has the corresponding timeline.


  • "Marketing OKRs 2024 Q1" will create a plan called Marketing OKRs 2024 Q1 starting on Jan 1st 2024, and finishing on March 31st, 2024.

  • "Product OKRs 2024 H1" will create a plan called Product OKRs 2024 Q1 starting on Jan 1st 2024, and finishing on June 30th, 2024.

  • "Company OKRs 2024" will create a plan called Product OKRs 2024 Q1 starting on Jan 1st 2024, and finishing on December 31st, 2024.

Plan content

You cannot add content to your plans using the doc importer. All plans will be empty.

Last updated

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