
Get reports and check-ins reminders in Slack


You can connect Tability to your Slack workspace to:

  • Get check-ins reminders via direct messages

  • Update progress from Slack

  • Get progress digests in your Slack channels

How to connect Tability to Slack

Follow these steps to connect Tability to Slack

  1. Go to Workspace Settings > Integrations

  2. Click on the button Connect to Slack

  3. Follow the steps to connect your Slack workspace to Tability

Once connected, you will receive a Slack DM to confirm that everything is set up.

Using the integration

Check-ins reminders

You will automatically receive reminders via Slack DMs when check-ins are due. No need for you to configure anything.

You can click on the button Create check-in to update progress from Slack, or click on Go to your inbox to be redirected to your Focus Dashboard in Tability.

You can disable the check-ins reminders by clicking on your avatar in the workspace header, and then Manage your notifications.

Getting a weekly digest in Slack

You can connect a Tability plan to a Slack channel to get a weekly summary of progress while the plan is active.

  1. Go to your plan dashboard

  2. Click on the ... button in the plan nav to open up the plan menu

  3. Go to Plan settins > Notifications

  4. Select the Slack channel that you want to connect your plan to

Once you hit Save, you will see a notification in the channel indicating that the plan is connected.

Last updated

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