Account settings

Configure your personal account settings

You account settings is where you can configure parts of the app that are specific to you. Your Tability account is not tied to any specific workspace, and your settings here will apply across all of your workspaces.

If you're looking for how to configure settings for your workspace go to Workspace Settings

Your account settings consists for 4 main settings:

  • Your account details and profile settings

  • Notification settings

  • Managing your standups

  • Personal integrations

To access your account settings, click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the app. A sliding panel will appear from the right.

Account settings menu in Tability

Manage your Tability account

To manage your account details like email, name, or password, click on the manage your Tability account option.

In your Tability account settings you'll be able to:

  • Change your profile image

  • Change your name and how it appears in Tability

  • Update your primary email. This is where you will receive all of your notifications.

  • Enable 2-Factor Authentication

  • Delete your account

Notification settings

In your notification settings, you'll be able to configure exactly what type of notifications you would like to receive.

There are 4 main ways to receive notifications from Tability:

  • Email notifications: Standard email notifications you'll receive to your account email address

  • Chat notifications: Notifications sent through integtated apps (ie. Slack or Microsoft Teams)

  • Mobile notifications: Push notifications sent if you have the Tability mobile app installed on iOS or Android

  • System notifications: Notifications for admins to receive tips or about changes to your workspace (ie. when new users join your workspace)

Managing Standups

Here you'll be able to change the frequency of your standups. This changes how often you receive notifications to post a new standup.

Personal integrations

Most integrations in Tability are managed at the workspace level. However, some apps have differnet requirements and permission levels and require you to log in via your own account. This is where you will find integrations that are set at an account level.

Currently, Google is the only integration that requires this. Learn more about the Google Sheets integration.

For all other integrations, you can find them in Workspace Settings

Last updated